A New Day
The morning turns best by default when you wake up after eight hours of >>>>
A Mundane Morning in the Li >>
A common mormon, a black butterfly for the uninformed, lands on my bush >>>>
Journeyman, set up your Lag >>
In the infinite womb of the cosmos, the interplay of matter and energy churns out newer and newer formations, births a >>>>
Walk away gently into the s >>
I know I'm from old school. But here is a message for the new-age people grappling with the issues of relationships. D >>>>
Little sips of love
If you can't so much as smile back at a flower's innocent, selfless offer of fragrance and beauty, I doubt your readin >>>>
The gentility of love
There are far more nice people in the world than you ever imagined. Badness is overhyped. All we need is to keep our h >>>>
Walkers on the path
We come across wrong people only because we have to walk further on to meet the right people who will share a part of >>>>
A little Brave Flower
Treat of the day! The tiny sadabahar in the crack of the wall bears a flower. There are hundreds of bigger flowering p >>>>